I have really slowed down all my craft activities in the past 10 months or so, actually I have slowed down everything that I had been doing at home and work.
I have not been very well, and finally about two weeks ago had an operation on my heart which I hoped would make me feel much better. Now I am on the other side. Hurrah.
I have decided I don't much like heart surgery, hospitals or generally being ill. It gets in the way of life.
I may have a few complications that I have to deal with and a few more tests but I really do hope that very soon my life can resume as normal.
On 3rd March, all being well I am going to EK for the day. I am designing a class and with a bit of luck and if feeling in good health, I will teach the class as well. (Can I teach sitting down?!)
I am so looking forward to this. I have not been scrapbooking for the day since I last went to EK - thats some months ago. Actually I havent been out hardly anywhere in the past 6 months so I maybe generally a little excited!!
Also, I am designing a layout for the forth coming A Trip Down Memory Lane retreat. I am very excited about the lovely papers I am using in this class!!!
I have been playing with a few projects over the past two weeks as and when I have been able. Above is a layout that I was tinkering with before the Op. (Choose that photo as I felt awful when it was taken and have huge bags under my eyes. A visual reminder!)