Tuesday 1 January 2008

Day 31 - NY Humbug (!!!!!)

Ny Humbug

Tonight: Got home from work, Rob cooked dinner from M and S. Got time to look at some of my pressies, scrapbook, internet, Bourne Ultimatum. TV. alovely chilled night in.

In General: I prefer a meal or trip out. I really dont like Auld Lang Sein. I find the midnight kiss and wish well routine tedious - why wait for one night to say itor do it?? Highly over rated. Bah humbug me!!

There - my secret is out!!!

1 comment:

lv2scpbk said...

I like what you've written. I've never liked the song much either. Seems kind of sad to me. New Years in my worst holiday, but I think it's because my grandmother died on New Years Day. That was many years ago, but I still feel like that every year.